Baltimore Bible Church Copyright Policy
The following stipulations govern the content of and distributed CDs for
questions of usage, copyright, and permissions:
Audio and Video
Baltimore Bible Church aka BBC welcome the duplication of its preached messages whether it be
from MP3 downloads, CDs, DVDs or video as you partner together with us in sharing the truth of
God’s word through its messages. Please partner together with us by observing the following
You may duplicate and distribute BBC’s audio and video messages in CD, DVD, and MP3
formats without prior permission, as long as you follow the restrictions outlined below.
- You may duplicate and distribute only full-length versions of the messages.
- You may not edit the content in any way.
- You may not charge for the material (even to recoup your costs).
- You may link to messages at the BBC’s website, but you may not post them on your own website.
- If you copy material to a CD or DVD, please include the following information on the CD or DVD:
- The title of the message
- “Copyright [fill in the year of the message] by George Lawson Jr. (or the name of the Guest Speaker), Used by permission from Baltimore Bible Church.”
- 410-972-9493
- You may not include personal or organizational contact information on any CDs or DVDs.
- You may not use or reproduce the Baltimore Bible Church logo for any purpose.
Baltimore Bible Church and George Lawson Jr. reserve all copyright protections under applicable
law. We reserve the right to revoke or modify these permissions at any time.
Thank you for your cooperation in these matters, which will help us as “We Loose the Scriptures and
Let them Speak”.